The Background for the site

Rolling hills were made with two Ellipse, which I overlapped, then merge with pathfinder subtract tool , after that I copied and made smaller.
Moved one down and shrunk it to a smaller size. Blended and warped. Then envelope distort warped, then duplicate several times.
The road is the pen tool and arched.
The trees are several Ellipse merged together with gradient applied, the trunk is rectangle colored gradient added points and shaped


The Menu tree

Did not come out like my vision. So, I just added to my backgroud, It seems it needs more sun and food or a better artitst!

It was done Using rectangle, add points and the pen tool to put the leaves on it.
The ellipse tool was use for the leaves which I use the compound pathfinder tool then duplicated.
The branches; I added points and converted point tool to shape the branches.


The Welcome sign

The sign is a 3D extrude red with green 3 point that was exported to flash.


I Love Hillsborough Communtiy College

My studies thrust me out of my comfort zone, and opened up a new world for me!

Thanks HCC!