Logo Design
Is a house and yard symbolize by a heart. The house was design using
“Pen Tool” point to point then using the “Live Paint Bucket” I colored in the walls. Then made I three windows using “Rectangle”
and door and chimney as well, door knob with “Ellipse” tool. The heart consist of two circles clone and joined as well as a transform square, which I clone and shadowed. The grass is “Warped” effect “Ellipse” painted green placed in back of house layer. This logo consist of eight layers. |
The Meekrats
I started with a white background, proceeded to build a sky with the rectangle tool, clouds with the elliptical tool, where I made white oval which I stylized with a feather, Gaussian blur was implied to forming cloud then I dragged multiplied them. The mountains I used the star tool with three points colored, cloned changed to various sizes (to give the illusion of distance) using transform and scaling tools.
My character which remind me of a colony
of meerkats, stated with the head using the elliptical tool, which I bulged for shape.
I then created the ears using the pen tool. I then scaled and added the inner piece, grouped then reflected added to head- locked and hid. Created nose was a happy accident using three circles duplicated and scaled, aligned and grouped. The eyes were made with the elliptical tool two ovals, one black then size reduced for white pupil. The body was made with the rectangle tool with rounded corners, colored brown, same with arms and legs. Hands were made with the elliptical tool, which I added anchor points to and shaped. I then assembled all the pieces and cloned and shaped to various sizes to populate scene. |
MyTrace face
I used a picture from my graphics class. In adobe Photoshop I converted to Black and white. Open the results in adobe Illustrator and applied the image trace and played with all the setting trying to make a line drawing like the one done in adobe Photoshop. After playing around, I proceeded on with the project required of me after several attempts of trying to make myself beautiful, I settled for these preceding this dialogue.