
The Flyer

I made a lot of learning mistakes in doing this, but I recovered. I did it more than a few times as to be expected.
I used two fonts Time Roman and MMa Fermat for headings.

I created the logo by tracing a head from some medical illustration using add anchor points and convert anchor points. The lightning bolts were anchor points as well, then transformed, reflected, skewed and rotated. The EHC was done on separate layers then grouped.

The sunrise was done with the eclipse tool and scissors cut on anchor points,
the waves were made with the Line segment tool then added points convert anchor points to curve the ocean waves.

I repeated this procedure in order to make the page design used the Spray bucket to paint the waves. Oh had to close of the waves in order to paint them using anchor add points. Riding the waves was created using the type on path tool.

The stars are a product of the copy eclipse
tool once again. The couches were exported from Photoshop.

Emotional health center was rotated, the content and address are simple squares.


The 3d Logo

The 3d logo was made with an extruded MMa Fermat font of 5 pixels, same with the ellipse tool   the light was left as is and I mapped the fronts and side with the original DDS logo colors.